Just about everyone who has a job or their own business has business cards. These are a good way to keep your contact info handy for potential clients, partners, and other people. Not only are they portable and inexpensive, but they are also a very convenient tool to promote yourself or your business.
Unfortunately, however, people are often bombarded with business cards and it is easy to get lost in the pile, particularly when meeting people at networking events. To make your business card stand out, it is important to try to make it as unique as possible. This can be done with professional designs, unusual shapes, and shiny or reflective elements on the card. However, one simple way to make you card unique is to make a magnetic business card.
Making the magnets is really simple and it only takes a computer software program and some materials. First, make ready the design on the computer. Use Microsoft Word or Adobe Illustrator which are software that are not only popular but are also very user friendly which produces great results.
Get into a Business Card Template and start from there. Choose the color, design, text and design based on the theme of the party. Once the design is made, make sure to edit and print out a copy on a piece of paper to check what the finished product can look like. Once all the editing is done, there are two ways to have the magnets made.
You can always send the electronic file to a professional printer which can do the project in a matter of days, complete with lamination and delivery. However, know that the printers have a minimum order. Some don’t accept projects with less than a hundred of these magnets and if you are only asking them to make 5 or ten, then they could refuse or if they don’t the price can be really expensive.
You can also print these out on your home printer. Simply get some ready to use business card magnets which come in several in a pack. Print out the design you made on cardstock from your own printer. Once the print is out, cut out neatly. Place each card on the magnetic metal by fixing it on firmly on the peel off sticker that comes with the magnet. Once it is bound check for any bubbles and then laminate it if desired.
You can also purchase magnetic sheets that you can print the magnets on directly. In fact, you can make your own unique shapes if you want. Stencil the design on the sheet and cut out with an exacto knife. Laminate the card and the project is done!
Making business card magnets is really simple and it can be a great hobby. You can even make save the date magnets, homemade refrigerator magnets, or baby shower magnets. Turn your hobby into a business or just make a gift for all the friends using your new skills.
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