Monday, August 15, 2011

Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers - Pros and Cons

Parents today have many choices for their babies. One is the decision to use cloth or disposable diapers for their newborn. It is calculated that your new baby will spend in excess of over 30,000 hours in a diaper, which produces up to over 7,000 changes in diapers in the first year alone. Research shows that 80% of baby diapering in this country is by disposable diapers, coming to 18 billion diapers in use per year. Those used diapers have to go somewhere. So, when you’re making the decision for what’s best for your family, your baby, and your wallet, you need to weigh the benefits and challenges of both types of diapering.

Here are some pros and cons of cloth versus disposable diapers.

Cloth Diapers - Pros
- May be less diaper rash because they are more absorbent
- Cheaper because they’re reusable and washable
- Extras are good for burps and/or spit-ups
- Better for the environment because you’re not adding to the landfills
- Made of cotton, so no chemicals against your baby’s skin
- Can be stored and used for the next baby
- Thought to aid in potty training because the child is aware of the wetness against their skin
- When baby is out of diapers, the cloths they make good furniture polishing cloths

Cloth Diapers – Cons
- More leaks due to heaviness, even with plastic panties over them
- Use pins which can stick the baby, although Velcro tabs are available for cloth diapers
- More laundry, heavier loads, more water, and more soap being dumped into the environment (plus your washer can retain the smell of poo and pee)
- Fees for diaper service, if you chose to use them
- Odors aren’t contained as well
- Very hot in summer weather, which can cause diaper rash
- Most daycares require disposable diapers

Disposable Diapers – Pros
- No diaper pins to stick the baby
- Less leaks because they’re tight, fit, and snug
- Easy to use and find in stores
- Easy to dispose
- Lighter, especially in hot weather
- Good for overnight to prevent accidents and uninterrupted sleep
- Easy changing solution when out in public/away from home
- Most daycares require disposable diapers
- Comes in various sizes for different ages

Disposable Diapers – Cons
- Can harm the environment by adding more to the landfills
- Can be more expensive to purchase over time
- Garbage has to be emptied regularly due to smell and can add expense
- Plastic and chemicals against baby’s skin
- Chances of diaper rash are higher
- Thought that it’s harder to potty train because the child isn’t used to feeling the wetness

Criss White writes about family and baby topics. To check out some baby shower game ideas, visit Baby Shower Ideas.

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