Saturday, August 20, 2011

How Pregnant Moms Should Prepare for a Baby Shower

You’re nearing the end of your pregnancy which means one thing: someone’s going to throw you a baby shower. Well-meaning friends and family have been looking forward to this day since you shared the news of your new family addition. There are going to be a lot of people who will be vying for your attention and wanting to spend time with you. Here are some tips for how a pregnant mom should prepare for the baby shower.

First of all, plan ahead for the big party day. Tell your husband/partner the time and date ahead of time. Have him drive you to the event and pick you up afterwards. There will be a lot of gifts to bring home, so have him drive the mini-van or SUV or borrow an appropriate car from family or friends.

Buy yourself a new outfit. So often when you’re pregnant, you don’t feel like getting dressed up in a new dress or skirt. Splurge on something fun and comfortable to treat yourself as being the guest of honor. Take time with your hair and makeup and enjoy being the pampered star of the day.

Don’t be the first person at the party. Ask your hostess when the best time is for you to arrive. She may have surprises planned for your entrance…or not. Have her tell you the best time. Once you get there, mingle around early while you’re fresh and your feet and back won’t hurt as much. Thank everyone for coming and then find a comfy spot in the middle of the festivities to watch the party unfold.

Have a great time. Baby showers aren’t dull events with a too-dry cake and sweet punch. They’re so much more. There are themes for most of them, with food and games to match. Get into the spirit of the event. Check out the decorations and choices of appetizers, finger foods, and desserts. Compliment the hostess on her creativity and enjoy laughing and playing along with the games.

Be easy-going. The hostess has put a lot into the party, inviting your friends, and family, and planning the activities. Smile and have fun, but don’t be afraid to step away for a breather or bathroom break for time to yourself. Pregnancy can tire you out easily, so pace yourself and you’ll have a great time.

Make sure you get the names and addresses of everyone who attends the party so you can send them thank you notes. You might also consider bringing a hostess gift to whoever is throwing the party to show your appreciation.

Take lots of pictures. These are memories both you and your baby will forever cherish. Document the event with snapshots of friends, family, the decorations, the cake, the food, everything.

Above all, have a great time celebrating the joy of life and your new addition.

Criss White is a professional writer that enjoys boy baby shower parties and also writes about other baby shower ideas. Criss enjoys hosting parties for friends and family when not writing.

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