Thursday, August 18, 2011

Safe Exercises for Each Trimestral Period of Pregnancy

Many pregnant ladies believe wrongly that they can no longer exercise. The truth is that certain fitness routines have been designed especially for the needs of moms-to-be and their bodies. Some exercises improve circulation while others increase the capacity of the lungs. Both breathing and circulation are essential to the health of mom and unborn baby.

Exercises for pregnant ladies need to be less strenuous but certain routines have been developed for each trimester of pregnancy. Learning these exercises and working out on a regular basis can turn into the guarantee for a problem-free and happy pregnancy.

According to doctors, a pregnancy that is uncomplicated demands physical activity. It is very important to see how your body is responding to exercises and to modify anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Exercises for the First Trimester of Pregnancy
You need to work out two to three times per week. Try to perform the routine several hours after having a meal.

Learn to monitor your pulse. It should never exceed 130 to 140 beats per minute. To control your breathing and the intensity of the exercise, you should take several stretching breaks during your workout session.

The uterus increases in size during the first trimester of pregnancy. Your body will start adjusting and getting ready to protect and nurture the growing baby.

Exercises during that period should stimulate the work of the cardiovascular system and the lungs.

Aerobic exercises are the ones that target the work of the heart and the lungs. Swimming is one of the best types of sports that you can practice during the first trimester. Refrain from doing it if you are suffering from severe morning sickness, fatigue and general indisposition.

Walking and fast walking are suitable, as well. You can do limited weight lifting to keep muscles fit.

Exercises for the Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Your blood pressure will fluctuate during the second trimester and hormone levels will keep on changing.

During that period, you will begin experiencing bodily changes. Breasts will enlarge and the pelvic inclination will change. These bodily modifications will put strain on the back muscles.

Yoga is very good for the second trimester of pregnancy. Focus on breathing exercises and stretching. Forget about exercises that will have you laying on your back.

Exercises for the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
This period will have the uterus growing even more. The heart is under significant strain and lungs change some of their functioning. The strain on back muscles increases even more.

Third trimester exercises should improve circulation. The intensity of exercises needs to go down.

Yoga remains suitable even for the period before you give birth. Forget about running and weightlifting. Gentle walks can be very beneficial. You should also stretch carefully, without overdoing it.

Remember to stop working out if you feel bad or dizzy all of the sudden. Your health and the health of your baby are certainly more important than fitness. Consult your doctor about the best types of exercises and be cautious each time you work out.

Criss White writes about parties, babies, and pregnancy. To check out some unique baby shower themes or to check out some other baby shower ideas, visit Criss's baby shower and party planning website.

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