Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Post Wedding Blues and How to Get Over Them

A wedding is a happy occasion. It is a time for a man and a woman to be joyous and celebrate their union together. Recent studies suggest that women are more likely to develop post-wedding depression over males. Some of the most common symptoms of depression after a wedding include:
Disappointment in situations that previously were not saddening
Loss of interest in sexual intimacy
Unwarranted arguing
Loss of interest in time with their partner

A woman with post-wedding depression with experience one to all of the aforementioned symptoms anytime from the wedding day to typically the first completed year of marriage. For a spouse this can be a difficult form of depression to cope with as the relationship is still new and potentially unsteady. However, it is not impossible to banish those blues, with the help and understanding of their partner anything can be done.

If you are suffering from post-wedding depression consider:

Finding a new hobby or project
If you have a hobby that relaxes you consider taking on a new project related to your wedding. If you are up for a new challenge take on a new project that you have never tried before but had an interest in pursuing. Taking the focus off of your sadness is a good way to shy away from sad spells that might arise.

Plan a party
If you are a party planner it could be beneficial to turn your attention to planning a party in celebration of a friend or even just the season of the year. Planning a theme and decorations will give you another focus, and offer you a chance to focus on something joyous.
If your partner seems to be suffering from post-wedding depression consider the following:

Relax and get comfortable together
Plan a night when the two of you can stay in and watch a favorite movie and make dinner together. When you both are together it is a great way to reemphasize the reason you married, and it can take away those blues.

Plan a night out together
If your spouse prefers to go out and see the sights, consider planning an evening of romance out on the town. Take your partner to their favorite restaurant, treat them to a massage, or even just a walk through an art gallery. Time spent together enjoying happy moments will help better the mood of your partner.

Analyze your relationship
Take the time to consider the feelings of your partner. Ask how they are feeling? If there is anything you can do to help? Speak of your relationship and how important it is to you that your partner is happy. Having a shoulder to ‘cry’ on can help bring your spouse out of the darkness that has befallen them.

There are some situations that are still not solved after all attempts have been made. If you are seriously concerned for your spouse encourage them to contact a professional to help them return to their former self. If you feel as though your spouse may try to harm themselves it is imperative that it is done immediately! Marriage is forever. Post-wedding blues are just a small challenge that a married couple will face and should overcome easily.

Criss White is an article writer for My Baby Shower Favors, a retailer of party supplies for baby showers, weddings, and other events. To check out some organza ribbon, some organza bags, or other special occasion supplies, visit My Baby Shower Favors.

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